11 Ways to Further Your Music During Quarantine

We’ve all been impacted by the current global crisis. For most of us, things aren’t going as planned. So, we have to make a new plan.

It can be tempting to use the crisis as an excuse for not seeing momentum as an artist. It’s easy to feel unmotivated. But, if you have the right mindset (perspective is everything), I believe you can use this time to invest into your music and make a bigger impact.

Now’s the time to work even harder. Wake up a little earlier or stay up a little later, so you can have focused time to put into your music.

THINK ABOUT THIS: If we were having this conversation 3 months from now, and you were looking back over the 3 month period, what has to happen in your life over the next 3 months both professionally and personally for you to feel happy with your progress?

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Set specific and attainable goals to get there.

  2. Stay disciplined - create a schedule.

    • Get dressed for the day

    • Take a shower

    • Pray and read God’s Word

    • Exercise

  3. Setup virtual cowrites / collaborate with others.

    • This is a great time to utilize things like Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangout, and voice memos.

    • We’ll be pairing people up soon in our Facebook group for those that want to participate.

  4. If you don’t have a way to record songs at home, look into getting that set up.

  5. Most producers and musicians have more openings in their schedule due to cancellations happening with the quarantine - take advantage of that. Most of the work and collaboration can be done remotely.

  6. Learn and grow. Set specific goals on how many courses or books you will finish this month.

    • Join The Artist Mentorship and participate in live webinars, watch the online courses, etc.

    • Listen to podcasts

    • Read blogs

    • Watch YouTube videos

Read the full article by becoming a member of The Artist Mentorship - SIGN UP FOR A 7 DAY FREE TRIAL.


The Artist Mentorship - A New Community for Christian Artists & Songwriters


Virtual Writers Round - April 7th @ 3pm CT