Podcast Ep 5: Interview with Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes On Trust & Patience (There Is A Plan)

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We loved getting the opportunity to talk with Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes and hear some of their incredible wisdom and insight on everything from co-writing to touring and beyond! God isn’t in a hurry and we could learn something from that.

“God has a plan for our lives.”

It’s possible that many of us have heard this statement multiple times throughout our life.

But, hearing the truth doesn’t always equal trusting in that truth.

So, how do we respond to truth with trust?

Often it starts with deciding what is actually trustworthy.

Watch any singing contest on television and you’ll quickly realize that not everyone agrees on “talent”.

Get involved in the music industry for more than a week and you’ll notice that not everyone sees eye to eye on the best method to grow your fanbase, find your unique voice, etc.

How do we discover our path when everyone around us seems to be running in different directions?

We can’t trust in our talent, our methods, our connections, or even our hustle.

An opportunity will fall through. We’ll forget to set our alarm. Our imaginations will occasionally feel “off”.

This is where we need something to trust in that’s not as flaky as we are.

God doesn’t call all of us to be “creative geniuses”, but He does call all of us to live our lives with hearts wide open to endless possibilities.

The possibilities of what can happen in our lives are not built off a foundation in the distant future, but right here and right now.

Things don’t happen, unless we’re there to see them happen.

When we’re tired, when we’re not inspired, when we feel like we’ve failed… THAT is the time to make sure we keep showing up.

God’s plan for our lives and our creativity may not be written down in plain black and white, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

It is trustworthy.

This type of trust gives us the freedom to enjoy the journey instead of constantly being paranoid that we’re taking the wrong road.

If we trust God to drive, then we can believe that He’ll take us somewhere worth going.


Check out more on our new podcast!

We believe that God can do incredible things through the things we create.

But, our souls can often get impatient.

How do we balance that tension?

Click here to join the conversation!


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